Hose drop system for boom sprayers (Hardi mount)

We are proud to present Agroplast's improved hose drop system for boom sprayers. Years of in-field research enabled to develop many practical innovations in the system that result in better precision of spray and safer application of fertilizer, minimizing the risk of scalding the plants. Along with our exclusive liquid-fertilizer-proof pump we offer a complete, unique solution that guarantees safe application of fertilizer both for plants and sprayers.
- Special construction eliminates the risk of damaging plants during spray
- Stiff pipes mounted inside the upper sections of the hose reinforces the system and guarantees even application in the row-spacing
- Adjustable spacing bar between hoses stiffens the system to ensure the correct hose spacing, even in case of hitting plants or ground
- Additional option of assembling neighbouring hoses into a one uniform „wall”, resistant to sideway swinging
- Allows precise application close to plant roots, decresing the emision of fertilizer to the enviroment
- Hardi-standard mount type
- Lowers the expenditure of fertilizers
- Equiped with anti-detachment protection
- Hose spacing: 25cm
- Set of dosing orifices (0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5) included